Convert Windows Exe To Mac App




The Desktop App Converter tool is deprecated. We recommend that you use the MSIX Packaging Tool instead.

The Desktop App Converter (DAC) creates packages for desktop applications to integrate with the latest Windows features, including distribution and servicing via the Microsoft Store. This includes Win32 apps and apps that you've created by using .NET 4.6.1.

While the term 'Converter' appears in the name of this tool, it doesn't actually convert your app. Your application remains unchanged. However, this tool generates a Windows app package with a package identity and the ability to call a vast range of WinRT APIs.

You can install that package by using the Add-AppxPackage PowerShell cmdlet on your development machine.

The converter runs the desktop installer in an isolated Windows environment by using a clean base image provided as part of the converter download. It captures any registry and file system I/O made by the desktop installer and packages it as part of the output.


Desktop App Converter is supported on Windows 10, version 1607, and later. It can only be used in projects that target Windows 10 Anniversary Update (10.0; Build 14393) or a later release in Visual Studio.

The DAC does more than just generate a package for you

Here's a few extra things it can do for you.

Windows 10 Creators Update

✔️ Automatically register your preview handlers, thumbnail handlers, property handlers, firewall rules, URL flags.

✔️ Automatically register file type mappings that enable users to group files by using the Kind column in File Explorer.

✔️ Register your public COM servers.

Windows 10 Anniversary Update or later

✔️ Automatically sign your package so that you can test your app.

✔️ Validate your application against packaged app and Microsoft Store requirements.

To find a complete list of options, see the Parameters section of this guide.

If you're ready to create your package, let's start.

First, prepare your application

Review this guide before you begin creating a package for your application: Prepare to package a desktop application.

Make sure that your system can run the converter

Make sure that your system meets the following requirements:

  • Windows 10 Anniversary Update (10.0.14393.0 and later) Pro or Enterprise edition.
  • 64 bit (x64) processor
  • Hardware-assisted virtualization
  • Second Level Address Translation (SLAT)
  • Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows 10.

Start the Desktop App Converter

  1. Download and install the Desktop App Converter.

  2. Run the Desktop App Converter as an administrator.

    A console window appears. You'll use that console window to run commands.

Set a few things up (apps with installers only)

You can skip ahead to the next section if your application doesn't have an installer.

  1. Identify the version number of your operating system.

    To do that, type winver in the Run dialog box, and then choose the OK button.

    You'll find the version of your Windows build in the About Windows dialog box.

  2. Download the appropriate Desktop app Converter base image.

    Make sure that the version number that appears in the name of the file matches the version number of your Windows build.


    If you're using build number 15063, and the minor version of that build is equal to or greater than .483 (For example: 15063.540), make sure to download the BaseImage-15063-UPDATE.wim file. If the minor version of that build is less than .483, download the BaseImage-15063.wim file. If you've already setup an incompatible version of this base file, you can fix it. This blog post explains how to do that.

  3. Place the downloaded file anywhere on your computer where you'll be able to find it later.

  4. In the console window that appeared when you started the Desktop App Converter, run this command: Set-ExecutionPolicy bypass.

  5. Set up the converter by running this command: DesktopAppConverter.exe -Setup -BaseImage .BaseImage-1XXXX.wim -Verbose.

  6. Restart your computer if you're prompted to do so.

    Status messages appear in the console window as the converter expands the base image. If you don't see any status messages, press any key. This can cause the contents of the console window to refresh.

    When the base image is fully expanded, move to the next section.

Package an app

To Package your app, run the DesktopAppConverter.exe command in the console window that opened when you started the Desktop App Converter.

You'll specify the package name, publisher and version number of the application by using parameters.


If you've reserved your app name in the Microsoft Store, you can obtain the package and publisher names by using Partner Center. If you plan to sideload your app onto other systems, you can provide your own names for these as long as the publisher name that you choose matches the name on the certificate you use to sign your app.

A quick look at command parameters

Here are the required parameters.

You can read about each one here.


Here's a few common ways to package your app.

Package an application that has an installer (.msi) file

Point to the installer file by using the Installer parameter.


There are two important things to keep in mind here. First, make sure that your installer is located in an independent folder and that only files related to that installer are in the same folder. The converter copies all of the contents of that folder to the isolated Windows environment.
Secondly, if Partner Center assigns an identity to your package that begins with a number, make sure that you also pass in the -AppId parameter, and use only the string suffix (after the period separator) as the value of that parameter.

If your installer includes installers for dependent libraries or frameworks, you might have to organize things a bit a differently. See Chaining multiple installers with the Desktop Bridge.

Package an application that has a setup executable file

Point to the setup executable by using the Installer parameter.


If Partner Center assigns an identity to your package that begins with a number, make sure that you also pass in the -AppId parameter, and use only the string suffix (after the period separator) as the value of that parameter.

Convert Windows App To Mac

The InstallerArguments parameter is an optional parameter. However, because the Desktop App Converter needs your installer to run in unattended mode, you might have to use it if your application needs silent flags to run silently. The /S flag is a very common silent flag, but the flag that you use might be different depending on which installer technology you used to create the setup file.

Package an application that doesn't have an installer

In this example, use the Installer parameter to point to the root folder of your application files.

Use the AppExecutable parameter to point to your apps executable file.


If Partner Center assigns an identity to your package that begins with a number, make sure that you also pass in the -AppId App para cctv en mac. parameter, and use only the string suffix (after the period separator) as the value of that parameter.

Package an app, sign the app, and run validation checks on the package

This example is similar to first one except it shows how you can sign your application for local testing, and then validate your application against packaged app and Microsoft Store requirements.


If Partner Center assigns an identity to your package that begins with a number, make sure that you also pass in the -AppId parameter, and use only the string suffix (after the period separator) as the value of that parameter.

The Sign parameter generates a certificate and then signs your application with it. To run your app, you'll have to install that generated certificate. To learn how, see the Run the packaged app section of this guide.

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You can validate you application by using the Verify parameter.

A quick look at optional parameters

The Sign and Verify parameters are optional. There are many more optional parameters. Here are some of the more commonly used optional parameters.

You can read about all of them in the next section.

Parameter Reference

Here's the complete list of parameters (organized by category) that you can use when you run the Desktop App Converter.

You can also view the entire list by running the Get-Help command in the app console window.

Convert mac photos to windows
Setup parameters
-Setup [<SwitchParameter>]RequiredRuns DesktopAppConverter in setup mode. Setup mode supports expanding a provided base image.
-BaseImage <String>RequiredFull path to an unexpanded base image. This parameter is required if -Setup is specified.
-LogFile <String>OptionalSpecifies a log file. If omitted, a log file temporary location will be created.
-NatSubnetPrefix <String>OptionalPrefix value to be used for the Nat instance. Typically, you would want to change this only if your host machine is attached to the same subnet range as the converter's NetNat. You can query the current converter NetNat config by using the Get-NetNat cmdlet.
-NoRestart [<SwitchParameter>]RequiredDon't prompt for reboot when running setup (reboot is required to enable the container feature).
Conversion parameters
-AppInstallPath <String>OptionalThe full path to your application's root folder for the installed files if it were installed (e.g., 'C:Program Files (x86)MyApp').
-Destination <String>RequiredThe desired destination for the converter's appx output - DesktopAppConverter can create this location if it doesn't already exist.
-Installer <String>RequiredThe path to the installer for your application - must be able to run unattended/silently. No-installer conversion, this is the path to the root directory of your application files.
-InstallerArguments <String>OptionalA comma-separated list or string of arguments to force your installer to run unattended/silently. This parameter is optional if your installer is an msi. To get a log from your installer, supply the logging argument for the installer here and use the path <log_folder>, which is a token that the converter replaces with the appropriate path.
NOTE: The unattended/silent flags and log arguments will vary between installer technologies.
An example usage for this parameter: -InstallerArguments '/silent /log <log_folder>install.log' Another example that doesn't produce a log file may look like: -InstallerArguments '/quiet', '/norestart' Again, you must literally direct any logs to the token path <log_folder> if you want the converter to capture it and put it in the final log folder.
-InstallerValidExitCodes <Int32>OptionalA comma-separated list of exit codes that indicate your installer ran successfully (for example: 0, 1234, 5678). By default this is 0 for non-msi, and 0, 1641, 3010 for msi.
-MakeAppx [<SwitchParameter>]OptionalA switch that, when present, tells this script to call MakeAppx on the output.
-MakeMSIX [<SwitchParameter>]OptionalA switch that, when present, tells this script to package the output as an MSIX Package.
Package identity parameters
-PackageName <String>RequiredThe name of your Universal Windows App package. If Partner Center assigns an identity to your package that begins with a number, make sure that you also pass in the -AppId parameter, and use only the string suffix (after the period separator) as the value of that parameter.
-Publisher <String>RequiredThe publisher of your Universal Windows App package
-Version <Version>RequiredThe version number for your Universal Windows App package
Package manifest parameters
-AppExecutable <String>OptionalThe name of your application's main executable (eg 'MyApp.exe'). This parameter is required for a no-installer conversion.
-AppFileTypes <String>OptionalA comma-separated list of file types which the application will be associated with. Example usage: -AppFileTypes '.md', '.markdown'.
-AppId <String>OptionalSpecifies a value to set Application Id to in the Windows app package manifest. If it is not specified, it will be set to the value passed in for PackageName. In many cases, using the PackageName is fine. However, if Partner Center assigns an identity to your package that begins with a number, make sure that you also pass in the -AppId parameter, and use only the string suffix (after the period separator) as the value of that parameter.
-AppDisplayName <String>OptionalSpecifies a value to set Application Display Name to in the Windows app package manifest. If it is not specified, it will be set to the value passed in for PackageName.
-AppDescription <String>OptionalSpecifies a value to set Application Description to in the Windows app package manifest. If it is not specified, it will be set to the value passed in for PackageName.
-PackageDisplayName <String>OptionalSpecifies a value to set Package Display Name to in the Windows app package manifest. If it is not specified, it will be set to the value passed in for PackageName.
-PackagePublisherDisplayName <String>OptionalSpecifies a value to set Package Publisher Display Name to in the Windows app package manifest. If it is not specified, it will be set to the value passed in for Publisher.
Cleanup parameters
-Cleanup [<Option>]RequiredRuns cleanup for the DesktopAppConverter artifacts. There are 3 valid options for the Cleanup mode.
-Cleanup AllDeletes all expanded base images, removes any temporary converter files, removes the container network, and disables the optional Windows feature, Containers.
-Cleanup WorkDirectoryRequiredRemoves all the temporary converter files.
-Cleanup ExpandedImageRequiredDeletes all the expanded base images installed on your host machine.
Package architecture parameters
-PackageArch <String>RequiredGenerates a package with the specified architecture. Valid options are 'x86' or 'x64'; for example, -PackageArch x86. This parameter is optional. If unspecified, the DesktopAppConverter will try to auto-detect package architecture. If auto-detection fails, it will default to x64 package.
Miscellaneous parameters
-ExpandedBaseImage <String>OptionalFull path to an already expanded base image.
-LogFile <String>OptionalSpecifies a log file. If omitted, a log file temporary location will be created.
-Sign [<SwitchParameter>]OptionalTells this script to sign the output Windows app package by using a generated certificate for testing purposes. This switch should be present alongside the switch -MakeAppx.
<Common parameters>RequiredThis cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more info, see about_CommonParameters.
-Verify [<SwitchParameter>]OptionalA switch that, when present, tells the DAC to validate the app package against packaged app and Microsoft Store requirements. The result is a validation report 'VerifyReport.xml', which is best visualized in a browser. This switch should be present alongside the switch -MakeAppx.
-PublishComRegistrationsOptionalScans all public COM registrations made by your installer and publishes the valid ones in your manifest. Use this flag only if you want to make these registrations available to other applications. You don't need to use this flag if these registrations will be used only by your application.
Review this article to make sure that your COM registrations behave as you expect after you package your app.

Run the packaged app

There's two ways to run your app.

One way is to open a PowerShell command prompt, and then type this command: Add-AppxPackage –Register AppxManifest.xml. It's probably the easiest way to run your application because you don't have to sign it.

Another way is to sign your application with a certificate. If you use the sign parameter, the Desktop App Converter will generate one for you, and then sign your application with it. That file is named auto-generated.cer, and you can find it in the root folder of your packaged app.

Follow these steps to install the generated certificate, and then run your app.

  1. Double-click the auto-generated.cer file to install the certificate.


    If you're prompted for a password, use the default password '123456'.

  2. In the Certificate dialog box, choose the Install Certificate button.

  3. In the Certificate Import Wizard, install the certificate onto the Local Machine, and place the certificate into the Trusted People certificate store.

  4. In root folder of your packaged app, double click the Windows app package file.

  5. Install the app, by choosing the Install button.

Modify the packaged app

You'll likely make changes to your packaged application to address bugs, add visual assets, or enhance your application with modern experiences such as live tiles.

After you make your changes, you don't need to run the converter again. In most cases, you can just repackage your application by using the MakeAppx tool and the appxmanifest.xml file the DAC generates for your app. See Generate a Windows app package.

  • If you modify any of the visual assets of your app, generate a new Package Resource Index file, and then run the MakeAppx tool to generate a new package. See Generate a Package Resource Index (PRI) file.

  • If you want to add icons or tiles that appear on the Windows taskbar, task view, LT+TAB, snap assist, and the lower right corner of Start tiles, see (Optional Add Target-based unplated assets.


If you make changes to registry settings that your installer makes, you will have to run the Desktop App Converter again to pick up those changes.

The following two sections describe a couple of optional fix-ups to the packaged application that you might consider.

Delete unnecessary files and registry keys

The desktop App Converter takes a very conservative approach to filtering out files and system noise in the container.

If you want, you can review the VFS folder and delete any files that your installer doesn't need. You can also review the contents of Reg.dat and delete any keys that are not installed/needed by the app.

Fix corrupted PE headers

During the conversion process, the DesktopAppConverter automatically runs the PEHeaderCertFixTool to fixup any corrupted PE headers. However, you can also run the PEHeaderCertFixTool on a UWP Windows app package, loose files, or a specific binary. Here's an example.

Telemetry from Desktop App Converter

Desktop App Converter may collect information about you and your use of the software and send this info to Microsoft. You can learn more about Microsoft's data collection and use in the product documentation and in the Microsoft Privacy Statement. You agree to comply with all applicable provisions of the Microsoft Privacy Statement.

By default, telemetry will be enabled for the Desktop App Converter. Add the following registry key to configure telemetry to a desired setting:

  • Add or edit the DisableTelemetry value by using a DWORD set to 1.
  • To enable telemetry, remove the key or set the value to 0.

Language support

The Desktop App Converter does not support Unicode; thus, no Chinese characters or non-ASCII characters can be used with the tool.

Known issues with the Desktop App Converter


If you receive either of these errors, make sure that you're using a valid base image from the download center.If you’re using a valid base image, try using -Cleanup All in your command.If that does not work, please send us your logs at [email protected] to help us investigate.

New-ContainerNetwork: The object already exists error

You might receive this error when you setup a new base image. This can happen if you have a Windows Insider flight on a developer machine that previously had the Desktop App Converter installed.

Convert Windows Exe To Mac App Converter

To resolve this issue, try running the command Netsh int ipv4 reset from an elevated command prompt, and then reboot your machine.

Your .NET application is compiled with the 'AnyCPU' build option and fails to install

This can happen if the main executable or any of the dependencies were placed anywhere in the Program Files or WindowsSystem32 folder hierarchy.

To resolve this issue, try using your architecture-specific desktop installer (32 bit or 64 bit) to generate a Windows app package.

Publishing public side-by-side Fusion assemblies won't work

During install, an application can publish public side-by-side Fusion assemblies, accessible to any other process. During process activation context creation, these assemblies are retrieved by a system process named CSRSS.exe. When this is done for a converted process, activation context creation and module loading of these assemblies will fail. The side-by-side Fusion assemblies are registered in the following locations:

  • Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionSideBySideWinners
  • File System: %windir%SideBySide

This is a known limitation and no workaround currently exists. That said, Inbox assemblies, like ComCtl, are shipped with the OS, so taking a dependency on them is safe.

Error found in XML. The 'Executable' attribute is invalid - The value 'MyApp.EXE' is invalid according to its datatype

This can happen if the executables in your application have a capitalized .EXE extension. Although, the casing of this extension shouldn't affect whether your application runs, this can cause the DAC to generate this error.

To resolve this issue, try specifying the -AppExecutable flag when you package, and use the lower case '.exe' as the extension of your main executable (For example: MYAPP.exe). Alternately you can change the casing for all executables in your application from uppercase to lowercase (For example: from .EXE to .exe).

Corrupted or malformed Authenticode signatures

This section contains details on how to identify issues with Portable Executable (PE) files in your Windows app package that may contain corrupted or malformed Authenticode signatures. Invalid Authenticode signatures on your PE files, which may be in any binary format (e.g. .exe, .dll, .chm, etc.), will prevent your package from being signed properly, and thus prevent it from being deployable from an Windows app package.

The location of the Authenticode signature of a PE file is specified by the Certificate Table entry in the Optional Header Data Directories and the associated Attribute Certificate Table. During signature verification, the information specified in these structures is used to locate the signature on a PE file. If these values get corrupted then it is possible for a file to appear to be invalidly signed.

For the Authenticode signature to be correct, the following must be true of the Authenticode signature:

  • The start of the WIN_CERTIFICATE entry in the PE file cannot extend past the end of the executable
  • The WIN_CERTIFCATE entry should be located at the end of the image
  • The size of the WIN_CERTIFICATE entry must be positive
  • The WIN_CERTIFICATEentry must start after the IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 structure for 32-bit executables and IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 structure for 64-bit executables

For more details, please refer to the Authenticode Portal Executable specification and the PE file format specification.

Note that SignTool.exe can output a list of the corrupted or malformed binaries when attempting to sign an Windows app package. To do this, enable verbose logging by setting the environment variable APPXSIP_LOG to 1 (e.g., set APPXSIP_LOG=1 ) and re-run SignTool.exe.

To fix these malformed binaries, ensure they conform to the requirements above.

Next steps

Find answers to your questions

Have questions? Ask us on Stack Overflow. Our team monitors these tags. You can also ask us here.

Run your application / find and fix issues

See Run, debug, and test a packaged desktop application

Distribute your app

See Distribute a packaged desktop application

Jun 12, 2020 • Filed to: Solve Mac Problems • Proven solutions

Mac’s impressive library of apps gives you everything you need but let’s face it: Windows has a far larger library.

Haven’t you ever come across software native to Windows which endear themselves to you? But since they all come with the EXE file extension, your Mac is incapable of running them. Well, there are workarounds to this problem and you’ll learn about them today.

It’s possible to safely open and run EXE files on your Mac using mediums like Boot Camp, Remote Desktop, CrossOver, Virtual Machine and WINE, to mention the most prominent ones. And you don’t need to be an expert to do this. As long as you can follow simple instructions, you’re all set.

Part 1: Can You Run an EXE File on a Mac?

Yes, you can. With how innovative and creative developers have become, it was only a matter of time before they devised a means to run EXE files on Mac, even though such files are incompatible with macOS.

What’s an EXE file, though? It’s a file extension that denotes an executable file format. Okay, but what’s an executable file? It’s any file capable of being executed as a program. To put it simply, it’s what makes the installation and running of software possible.

EXE files are used in a few operating systems, the most notable of them being Microsoft Windows. You can think of EXE files as the Windows version of APP files (APP files, if you’re unaware, are executable files under macOS).

Go further and learn how to fix MS Word not responding on Mac.

Running EXE files on Mac is very possible but only through backdoor means, so to speak. You need an emulator (WINE is by far the most popular), or you install a virtual machine software on your macOS to enable you to load Windows VM, or make an extra partition on your disk where you can simultaneously have both macOS and Windows in your Mac.

Part 2: How to Open EXE Files on Mac

Converting From Windows To Mac

Again, you have several options to choose from when attempting this. So many software out there can help you open EXE files on Mac. You are advised to go with the Parallel Desktop.

Parallel Desktop

This software is simplistic and won’t take up much on your time because it doesn’t even require a Mac restart anytime you wish to run a Windows application. A copy of Microsoft Windows is required though. You have to install it on your hard disk but it’s easy to do:

Step 1: Windows Installation

  • Open up your Mac’s Application folder and double-click on the “Parallels” icon (you have to do this to install Windows).
  • Click on “File.”
  • Click on “New.”
  • Click on “Install Windows or another OS from DVD or image file.”
  • Click on “Continue.” You can easily install Windows either from a DVD or the more popular .iso disc image; or even a bootable USB drive.
  • You can even switch to the manual mode, locate the source for the Windows installation, and choose it by clicking on “Select a file…”
  • Click on “Continue”. You will be taken to a Windows product key window.
  • Leave the “Express installation” as it is, input the key and click “Continue.”
  • You will be asked to select how you wish to use Windows: Whether for productivity, games only, software development, design, etc. Once you’re done selecting, click on “Continue.”
  • Type in a name for the virtual machine and select the directory or location for the Parallels Desktop.
  • Click on “Continue” and the Windows installation will commence. All Intel-based Macs are compatible with both 32 and 64-bit versions of Windows: From Windows XP to Windows 10.
  • Once the installation concludes you can open up Windows by clicking on the “Power” button in the list of the Parallels Virtual Machine.

Step 2: Using Parallels Desktop

  • The very first time Windows restarts, “Parallels Tools” will be installed. This will be what ultimately integrates your Mac with your Windows desktops. After the installation is done, you will be asked to restart Windows.
  • Open up your Parallels Desktop from “Spotlight.’
  • Click on “Virtual Machine.”
  • Select “Configure” in the drop-down menu which appears.
  • Click on “Options.”
  • Click on “Shared Folders.”
  • Click on “Add.”
  • Click on “Choose.” Doing this will add a location from your Mac’s desktop to the virtual machine. Simply put any EXE file in this location to enable Windows to access and install them

Part 3: How to Run Windows APPs on Mac

The question now is not whether you want to run EXE files on your Mac, but rather how to go about it conveniently. There are countless of great Windows apps that never made it to macOS, and they probably never will. A lot of them have very attractive features that make Windows the envy of all Mac owners.

Running EXE files on Mac is made easy and convenient via Boot Camp and Remote Desktop. You can use any. It depends on preference and what you find more convenient.

Boot Camp

This application makes it possible for you to install Windows on your Mac. Switching between macOS and Windows thus becomes a matter of you restarting your system and deciding which OS to log into.

Step 1: Windows Installation File

  • Boot Camp is compatible with Windows 8,8.1. and 10 (you will need an ISO file of any of these three releases).

Step 2: Launch Your Mac’s Utilities folder

  • Type in “Utilities” in your Mac’s search bar, then click it.

Step 3: Launch Boot Camp Assistant

  • The app’s icon looks like a grey hard drive. Click it.

Step 4: On-screen Instructions

  • You will be instructed to choose the Windows ISO, the drive you intend to install it on, and restart your Mac.

Step 5: Your Mac Will Restart

  • Once you’re done setting up Boot Camp, you will be asked to restart Mac.
  • After that, you will be taken to the Windows installer screen.

Step 6: Install Windows

  • Follow the instructions to install the version of Windows you chose.

Step 7: Startup Manager

  • Once the install has been completed, your system will restart. Press and hold the “Option” key while this happens and the “Startup Manager” will appear.
  • Let go of the “Option” key and you will see all the drives you can boot your Mac from.

Step 8: Boot Camp

  • Select “Boot Camp” and click on “Return”.
  • Your Mac will now be loaded into Windows.
  • Navigate to your EXE file and run it.

Remote Desktop

This free tool does what many others fail at: lets you take full advantage of your Windows apps from your Mac. That’s pretty convenient, don’t you agree? Even though you’ll need Mac and PC to use the Remote Desktop, it’s still a great software that deserves praise. Here’s how you use it:

Step 1: Get Your PC Ready

  • Open the start menu and navigate to “Settings”, then “System”, then “Remote Desktop.”
  • Turn “Enable Remote Desktop” on and “Confirm.”

Step 2: Know Your IP Address & PC Name

  • Still on the “Remote Desktop” menu, and below the “How to connect to this PC”, jot down your PC name.
  • Go to your “Settings’, then “Network & Internet”.
  • Click “Wi-Fi” and select the network you’re connected to. This will bring up the network connection properties screen. At the bottom of the page is your “IPv4 address”. Jot it down.

Step 3: Install the Mac Version of Microsoft Remote Desktop

  • Pick up your Mac and open up your Mac App Store, then search for “Microsoft Remote Desktop.”
  • Download and install it.

Step 4: Open Add Your PC to Remote Desktop

  • Open up Remote Desktop on your Mac.
  • Click on “Add Desktop.”
  • A dialogue box will pop up. Type in the PC Name you jotted down; if it doesn’t work, type in the IP address.
  • Click “Save”.

Step 5: You Can Now Connect

  • Keep your PC turned on and make sure it is connected to the network your Mac is connected to.
  • Remote Desktop will now show your computer below “Saved Desktops.”
  • Double-click on it to connect.
  • You will be required to enter your username and password.
  • Click “OK.”
  • A security warning will pop up. Since you’re on a private network, ignore the warning and click “Continue.”
  • That’s the last step. You can now view and use your Windows on your Mac via Remote Desktop.

Closing Words

Well, there you have it. Running your EXE files via your Mac is now a thing of the past. As long as you have the right tools, you can do it in a matter of minutes.

These tools make your Mac more versatile than even Apple intended and anticipated because they enable you to go beyond what your Mac is capable of doing. You can achieve an end goal that would have otherwise been impossible. That’s the power of a Mac for you.

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