Macos And Windows App Gui Toolkits

Can you transfer apps from one mac to another. Mar 13, 2018  Ruby GUI development is a seldom mentioned subject, but it has value. Probably after some Rails development (cough), developing a desktop tool may be an interesting diversion (or even a requirement). During the development of my PM-Spotlight desktop application, I evaluated most of the Desktop Ruby GUI toolkits, and prototyped the application with three of them (Shoes 3, FXRuby, and Tk). The purpose is to make Python’s unique language feature and a graphical user interface that runs smoothly with Python data types. For newcomers of this field, this GUI framework is simple and swift to learn. One of the latest Python GUI is Pyforms. It is python 3 frameworks used to execute in Windows GUI mode. Git comes with built-in GUI tools for committing and browsing , but there are several third-party tools for users looking for platform-specific experience.If you want to add another GUI tool to this list, just follow the instructions. All Windows Mac Linux Android iOS. Tk is a graphical user interface toolkit, it is the standard GUI not only for Tcl, but for many other dynamic languages, and can produce rich, native applications that run unchanged across Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and more.


This is a list of Library packages implementing a graphical user interface (GUI) platform-independent GUI library (PIGUI). These can be used to develop software that can be ported to multiple computing platforms with no change to its source code.

In C, C++[edit]

Chromium Embedded Framework(CEF)CEF Project PageLinux, macOS, Microsoft WindowsFree: BSD
CEGUICEGUI teamLinux, macOS, Microsoft WindowsFree: MIT
Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL)Enlightenment.orgX11, Wayland, Microsoft Windows, macOS, DirectFB, TizenFree: BSD, LGPL, GPL
Fast Light Toolkit (FLTK)Bill Spitzak, et al.X11, Microsoft Windows, macOSFree: LGPL
formerly GIMPToolkit
GNOME FoundationLinux (X11, Wayland), Microsoft Windows, macOS, HTML5Free: LGPL
IUPTecgraf, PUC-RioX11, Microsoft WindowsFree: MIT
JUCERoli Ltd.X11, Linux[clarification needed], macOS, iOS, Android, Microsoft WindowsMixed: GPL, proprietary
LiveCodeLiveCode, Ltd.X11, macOS, Microsoft WindowsProprietary
MKS Toolkit for Enterprise Developers
formerly NuTCRACKER
DataFocus, Inc.Microsoft Windows from X11 code[clarification needed]Proprietary
NanaJinhaoLinux, Microsoft WindowsFree: Boost
QtQt ProjectLinux (X11, Wayland), OS/2, macOS, iOS, Android, Microsoft WindowsMixed: LGPL, GPL, or proprietary
Ultimate++Ultimate++X11, PocketPC, WindowsCE, Microsoft WindowsFree: BSD-like
formerly wxWindows
wxWidgets teamX11, Wayland, OpenLook,[clarification needed]macOS, iOS, Microsoft Windows, OS/2Free: wxWindows

In other languages[edit]

NameOwnerProgramming LanguagePlatformsLicense
SwingOracle CorporationJavaWindows, Linux X11, macOSFree: CDDL, GPL with linking exception
JavaFXOracle CorporationJavaWindows, Linux X11, macOS, Android, iOSFree: CDDL, GPL with linking exception
SWTEclipse FoundationJavaWindows (Win32), Linux (GTK+), macOS (Cocoa)Free: Eclipse
Apache PivotApache Software FoundationJavaWindows, macOS, LinuxFree: Apache
XojoXojo, Inc.XojoWindows, macOS, Linux (X11), iOS, webProprietary
Tcl/TkOpen sourceTclWindows, OS/2, X11, OpenLook,[clarification needed] Mac, AndroidFree: BSD-style
LCL, LazarusOpen sourceFree PascalWindows (Win32, Qt), Linux (GTK+, Qt), macOS (Qt, Carbon, Cocoa)Free: GPL, LGPL
Delphi, FireMonkeyEmbarcadero TechnologiesObject PascalWindows, macOS, iOS, AndroidProprietary
VisualWorksCincomSmalltalkWindows, OS/2, Linux (X11), OpenLook,[clarification needed] MacProprietary
PharoPharo communitySmalltalkWindows, Linux (X11), macOSFree: MIT, part Apache 2.0
Mono, GTK#XamarinC#Windows, Linux (X11, Wayland), macOSFree: MIT, LGPLv2, GPLv2 (dual license)
KivyKivyPythonLinux, Windows, macOS, Android, iOSFree: MIT
WxPythonPythonLinux, Windows, macOSFree: wxWindows
UnityUnity TechnologiesC#, JavaScript, BooWindows, X11, macOS, Android, iOS
also features cross-platform Web player
Proprietary, based on open-source
Apache Flex
Formerly Adobe Flex
Apache Software FoundationActionScript, Flash, Adobe AIRWindows (x86, x64), macOS, Android (ARM, x86), iOS, Web (SWF)Free: Apache
FlutterGoogleC, C++, DartAndroid, iOS (experimental: Web, Linux, Windows, macOSFree: New BSD License
Uno PlatformnventiveC#, XAML, WASMWindows, iOS, Android, Web (WebAssembly), experimental macOS)Free: Apache
Avalonia UIAvaloniaUI OÜC#, XAMLWindows, Linux and OSX (experimental support for Android and iOS)Free: MIT

Requires verification, may be unsupported[edit]

for C++, Smalltalk

No longer available or supported[edit]

AppWareNovellHas been de-emphasized (commonly viewed as dropped) by Novell
Zinc Application FrameworkProfessional Software AssociatesMay still be supported, but no new sales
Open InterfaceNeuron DataOne of the earliest PIGUI supported DOS, macOS, OS/2, VMS, Microsoft Windows 3.0

See also[edit]


Further reading[edit]

  • Richard Chimera, Evaluation of Platform Independent User Interface Builders, March 1993, Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory University of Maryland
Retrieved from ''

Design and UI-related downloads for Fluent Design/Windows apps. For additional tools, such as Visual Studio, see our main downloads page.

Macos Gui Programming

Design toolkits

These toolkits provide controls and layout templates for designing Windows apps.

Sketch toolkit
v1810, October 2018

Developer toolkits and libraries

Windows UI Library
Controls and other UI elements for Windows apps.
Installation instructions

Windows Community Toolkit
Helper functions, custom controls, and app services.
Installation instructions

Windows Template Studio
Quickly scaffold a UWP app using a wizard-based UI.

Makeup plus app for mac computer. You can also use Makeup Plus app in different operating system such as Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / XP / Vista, Mac, iOS, android. The app is also available on Google Play Store. If you want to use Makeup Plus app in your personal computer then you can easily use via any android emulator such as Bluestacks, Nox Player, Remix OS Player, YouWave.



Tile and icon generator for Adobe PhotoshopThis set of actions for Adobe Photoshop generates the 68 recommended tile and icon assets from just 7 files.
Download the tile and icon generator

C++ Gui Toolkit


Fluent XAML Theme Editor
The Fluent XAML Theme Editor is a tool that helps demonstrate the flexibility of the Fluent Design System as well as supports the app development process by generating XAML markup for our ResourceDictionary framework used in Windows applications.Download the tool sample
Check out the tool on GitHub

The Van Arsdel, Ltd. end-to-end Windows sample app was built to showcase the next wave of the Microsoft Fluent Design System. It makes extensive use of the improved density and new controls in the Windows UI Library as well as powerful underlying features of the ux framework and composition. The sample shows how you can build a rich, productive experience for managing and purchasing IoT devices (in this case, lamps).
Download the VanArsdel sample
Check out the VanArsdel sample on GitHub

BuildCast is an end-to-end sample built to showcase the Fluent Design System and Windows. It permits browsing, downloading, and playback of select video podcasts, including a sampling of the most popular ones from Channel 9 and some Windows tech enthusiast feeds. It also features ink notes, bookmarks, and remote playback. This sample was initially shown at the 2017 Build conference during the Build Amazing Apps with Fluent Design talk.
Download the BuildCast sample
Check out the BuildCast sample on GitHub

Lunch Scheduler
A Windows app sample that schedules lunches with your friends and coworkers. You create a lunch, invite friends to a restaurant of interest, and the app takes care of the lunch management for all involved parties. This app incorporates elements of the Fluent Design System in a Windows app, including acrylic, reveal, and connected animations.
Download the Lunch Scheduler sample
Check out the Lunch Scheduler sample on GitHub

XAML Controls Gallery
This sample provides an interactive demo of all of the XAML controls. It shows a variety of layouts from basic to adaptive, and displays markup that you can copy into your own project. Note: The download file and the GitHub repository currently refer to this sample app as 'UI Basics (XAML).'
Download the XAML Controls Gallery sample
Check out the XAML Controls Gallery sample on GitHub
Download the XAML Controls Gallery app from the Store

Want more code?

Check out the Windows sample page for complete list of all our Windows app samples. Go to the samples portal