Make Mac Installer Usb Software Lion

  1. Once you’ve purchased Mountain Lion, find the installer on your Mac. It’s called Install OS X Mountain and it should have been downloaded to your main Applications folder (/Applications).
  2. May 16, 2017  The answer is to make a bootable installer on a USB stick, and it really isn’t difficult in the slightest, as I will now show you. Then you can have it sitting by the computer standing by, just in case. Bootable MacOS Installer Recipe Ingredients. 1 USB stick, with minimum 8GB space (blank) MacOS Installation File (Currently Sierra) Disk Creator.

Boot your Mac. If you want to use your USB stick with an Apple Mac, you will need to restart or power-on the Mac with the USB stick inserted while the Option/alt (⌥) key is pressed. This will launch Apple’s ‘Startup Manager’ which shows bootable devices connected to the machine. In this tutorial, we would be using a nifty tool, UniBeast which would make the whole installation business simple. Steps To Install Mac OS X Lion On Computer Using USB. Pre – requisites. First thing you need is a bootable USB which needs to be created on Mac machine; Storage device or pen drive; Installation files for Mac OS X Lion.

Who said you need to dust off $1200 to work on Mac? If you want, you can install it on your computer too. Yes, it wont give you the same experience, but you would be atleast working on Macintosh OS.

I have come up with a step by step guide to install Mac OS X Lion on computer using USB without much of fuss. In this tutorial, we would be using a nifty tool, UniBeast which would make the whole installation business simple.

Steps To Install Mac OS X Lion On Computer Using USB

Pre – requisites

  • First thing you need is a bootable USB which needs to be created on Mac machine
  • Storage device or pen drive
  • Installation files for Mac OS X Lion. (Either get it from App Store or buy its installation USB drive)

Delete mac mail app. Create Bootable USB Drive

  • Plug in the storage device or pen drive into the Mac machine and launch its Disk Utility by navigating as Applications > Utilities
  • We need to creation partitions on the pen drive now. So, choose the pen drive from the panel on left hand side and click on Partition. Now click on Current and choose 1 Partition
  • Now name it the way you want (lets say BootME) and then click on Options and choose Master Boot Record
  • You need to choose the format type now. Click on Format tab and then click on Mac OS Extended (Journaled) , and then to save it, click on Apply and Partition

Use UniBeast

  • For the below steps, make sure your Mac OS X Lion Installation USB is mounted, and if you want to install the same from Mac App Store, then ensure that its available in Applications folder
  • Since we are good to go ahead, download and install UniBeast. This would also require you to complete some registration
  • Run UniBeast and when it asks to choose a destination, choose the USB drive that you have formatted in the above steps
  • Now choose the installation type, and then choose the third option too if you are installing Mac OS X Lion on laptops

Setup Your Computer

  • Like every other OS installation, you need to do some tweaking with the BIOS settings
  • Press F10, F12 or DEL (whatever works on your computer), to enter into BIOS settings
  • Set USB-HDD in the highest order or boot priority sequence
  • And also set HDD SATA mode to AHCI, ACPI to S3 and Xtreme hard drive to Disabled
  • Now when you restart your computer, Chimera boot screen would pop up. But this will happen only if bootable USB drive is plugged in. And to start the installer, you can use the below options:
    • For AMD Radeon 6670 type, PCIRootUID=0 (Nvidia cards are supported by default) and for any other graphics support, type GraphicsEnabler=No
    • Single User mode, type -s
    • Verbose mode, type -v (use for troubleshooting as it gives detailed description of problems)
    • Sage mode, type -x (use this if you fail to boot into installer)

Prepare The Hard Disk With Lion OS

Well, you need not follow these steps if your computer is already running on Snow Leopard. Below are the steps to prepare the installation pen drive:

  • Open Disk Utility and then Choose the hard disk from the left panel,and click on Partition. Now click on Current and choose 1 Partition
  • Now name it the way you want (lets say LION) and then click on Options and choose GUID Partition Method
  • You need to choose the format type now. Click on Format tab and then click on Mac OS Extended (Journaled) , and then to save it, click on Apply and Partition

NOTE: This will erase data from the hard disk completely

Go Ahead And Install Mac OS X Lion

When the installer prompts you to choose the location for installation drive, choose LION that you have created, follow the instructions and let the installation complete.

First Time Booting

  • For the first time, you need to boot it from BootME drive and when it asks, choose LION drive
  • Now go ahead and download Multibeast, as it would help you fix all the issues with drivers and stuff
  • Now get on to DSDT database, browse and download the DSDT for your respective motherboard. The download file will have an extension, .ami
  • Now use Multibeast and click on its option UserDSDT, choose the downloaded .ami file, and follow the instructions

That is it! We are all set now. Now you can start your computer and find that it is running on Mac OS X Lion. This is the complete step by step guide to install Mac OS X Lion on computer.

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Computers fail. Usb to hdmi mac software windows 10. It’s a fact of life, whether you like it or not. Eventually a file is going to get corrupted, a patch is going to screw something up, or you’re going to accidentally delete a critical component. It happens to all operating systems all the time, MacOS included. Yes Mac fanboys, your computer too.

The solution to this problem is simple. You should be keeping constant backups using Time Machine (or even better, relying on offsite backups as well). But this only solves part of the problem. If you are forced to wipe your entire Mac hard-drive, what’s the easiest way to get a hold of a fresh copy of MacOS and do a clean install?

The answer is to make a bootable installer on a USB stick, and it really isn’t difficult in the slightest, as I will now show you. Then you can have it sitting by the computer standing by, just in case.

Bootable MacOS Installer Recipe


1 USB stick, with minimum 8GB space (blank)
MacOS Installation File (Currently Sierra)
Disk Creator
Time & patience

Step 1 – Get a Blank USB Stick

Make sure you have a blank USB stick, and that it has a minimum of 8GB space. For the purposes of speed, you should also get a proper USB 3.0 stick, and not use some crappy little 2.0 stick that will crawl along at a snail’s pace.

Also, transfer any existing critical files off the stick, because when Sierra jumps on there, everything else is going to get nuked. It’s a bit anti-social like that.

Step 2 – Get The MacOS Operating System

Download the MacOS installation file. This should open up your Mac App Store, but if not, click on “View In Mac App Store” to give the Mac store a nudge.

Now click “Download” to start the Sierra installation. I was redirected to the German page since that’s where I am, but you will be redirected to the page of your own country.

At this point, you need to be aware of two things.

First, your Mac will get itself a bit worked up, because you are already running Sierra (hopefully). You will therefore get a box where you have to confirm you want the file. It is basically asking you “what the hell do you need the Sierra installation file for again?”. To confirm you still want the file, click “continue” and the download will start.

Second, it took me 45 minutes to get the whole file, and I am on a fast Internet connection. The size of the installation file is 5GB in total. So it’s probably best to start this, and then go off and do something else.

When the file has finished downloading, you will find it in your Applications folder under the name “Install MacOS“.

I should also point out that as soon as the installation file has finished downloading, it will immediately open up and attempt to start the installation process on your computer. Simply close the window. But it is a bit persistent and may try again.

Step 3 – Insert Your USB Stick Into The Computer

Make Mac Installer Usb Software Lion Free

Pretty self-explanatory!

Step 4 – Download & Install Disk Creator

The next step is to download and install Disk Creator. Then open it up and you will see this :

Choose the USB stick (using the drop-down menu at the top), then click “Choose a MacOS Installer“. Navigate to where the OS installation file is, and choose it. The icon of the file will then appear in the window at the top.

It will ask you if you are sure you want to proceed with the wiping of the USB stick and the installation of the installer. Then you have to enter your MacOS password for the process to begin. Now sit back and wait. It will take some time.

One Drawback Of Creating a USB Installer


There are many advantages of a USB installer, including the ease of installing a fresh new system onto a Mac without any jiggery-pokery with the Terminal. But one drawback is that Apple brings out so many regular OS updates that your installer is soon going to be out-of-date, if you don’t need to use it for quite some time.

Of course this is easily solved by installing the OS version you have, then going to the Mac store and installing all of the updates. But that could be quite a few, depending on how old your USB installer is.

Using The Installer

To begin the installation process using the USB stick, put it into the Mac’s USB port. Then simply boot up your Mac, and as it is starting up, hold down the Option key. This will activate it, and just follow the on-screen instructions from Apple.

See how easy it was? But if you do have a problem, let me know in the comments. I will do what I can to assist.