Port Mac Apps To Linux

  1. Linux On Mac Os

Alternatives to Port Authority for Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, iPad and more. Filter by license to discover only free or Open Source alternatives. This list contains a total of 25+ apps similar to Port Authority. List updated: 2/9/2018 8:30:00 AM. This tutorial shows how to port a simple Windows application to Linux by creating a Linux configuration in a Visual Studio project with VisualGDB. Before we begin, ensure that VisualGDB 4.0 or later is installed. Our first step will be to create a simple console application for Windows. Start Visual Studio and select File-New-Project.

Some users may use Linux systems to read serial ports and monitor their system’s serial activity. We have some solutions that will run on the Linux OS:

Serial Monitor

This serial port monitor for Linux is a plugin that lets you display all serial port activity initiated by other applications.


  • You can see the actual data flow as well as events such as the opening and closing of ports and changes in the control and status lines
  • It intercepts the calls between a serial port driver and an application enabling direct monitoring of the serial I/O

You can evaluate the plugin for free but continued use requires a license that will cost you $95.


This free Linux serial sniffer provides a basic serial port monitor. This utility is a component of the Debian operating system.


Linux On Mac Os

  • it is capable of sending data to serial devices;
  • the author has not needed to make updates to the code since 2011 but continues to support the program;
  • component of the Debian OS.


  • it is a command line tool that does not present a user-friendly interface.
  • 01Find out about top-notch solutions for monitoring serial port in Windows OS.
  • 02Monitor serial port in Mac OS. Apps for Mac users.

Linux Serial Sniffer

Here is a Linux Serial Sniffer application that is free to use


  • It can display monitored data on the screen or send it to disk;
  • customize the monitoring process with the included user filters;
  • users can intercept and extend the data stream from either direction to facilitate troubleshooting and testing.
  • free


  • Last update was in 2002
  • Supports by x32 bit system only.

Native Linux Commands

Port Mac Apps To Linux

This link is not to any dedicated software tool but rather to a page that illustrates how to use several Linux utilities designed for serial communication. It can be very informative for Linux users unfamiliar with serial communication commands and utilities. Add these tools to your Linux cheat sheet.

Serial Port Monitor

Requirements: Windows (32-bit and 64-bit): XP/2003/2008/Vista/7/8/10, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012/2016/2019 , 8.15MB size
Version 8.0.388 (7 Jul, 2020) Release notes
Category: Serial Port Software
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If you’re familiar with apt-get from Linux, then you know what a package manager does. It handles downloading, installing, updating and managing certain applications and their dependencies within the operating system. MacPorts is a command-line package manager for macOS. With MacPorts you can install Linux applications on macOS from the command line.

What can I install?

Most of these applications are open-source command-line utilities, but there are a fair share of GUI-based applications available as well. Applications like GIMP or GUI versions of command line utilities like diff can often be downloaded through MacPorts after a little exploring.

Here’s how it works: MacPorts hosts a collection of programs, called packages or “ports” in MacPorts parlance. Using a downloaded command line interface, you can search MacPorts’ library of software. When you find what you need, MacPorts downloads and installs the appropriate software and dependencies in the right places. This way, you don’t need to deal with opaque build instructions or confusing dependencies while still getting access to a wide range of the best and most powerful command line utilities.

Since macOS doesn’t come with many of the “standard” utilities included in most Linux distros, moving from Linux’s command line to macOS’ Terminal can sometimes be a let down. We can use MacPorts to install these missing commands, making the macOS command line nearly as capable as its Linux counterpart.

Installing MacPorts

Before you use MacPorts, you’ll need to install Xcode to gain access to a set of higher-end developer tools. These tools are required by many ports and packages, and by the MacPorts package manager itself. Xcode is an IDE made by Apple, and if you do much development, you likely already have it. If not, you can download Xcode from the Mac App Store or Apple’s developer website. You’ll need a developer account for the second option, so if you don’t have one, just go through the App Store.

While you can run most of the MacPort commands without Xcode, you won’t be able to run many of the packages until you install it. You also won’t get much of a warning, so things just won’t work, often without explanation.

Installing Xcode Developer Tools

Once Xcode is installed, you’ll need to install the Xcode developer tools. These are a separate set of command line utilities that many Terminal commands and ports rely on. Fortunately, it’s straightforward.

1. Open Terminal from /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app

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2. Use the command below to trigger the installation of macOS’ developer tools:

3. Click “Install” in the pop-up box to install the developer tools. If you don’t have Xcode, you can also click “Get Xcode” to install the application from here.

3. Wait for the files to download and install. It might take a while, so be patient and make sure you stay connected to the Internet.

Installing the MacPorts Package

Once Xcode is installed, you can move on to actually installing MacPorts. If you already have the Xcode and the developer tools installed, you can jump right to this step.

1. Download the latest release of MacPorts from GitHub. Make sure you scroll down to choose the version that matches your version of macOS. At the time of publication, there is no version of MacPorts for Apple’s newest OS, High Sierra, but one should be released soon.

2. Double-click and install the package from your Downloads folder.

3. When you’re done with the installation, open a new Terminal window and run the command port.

If that command returns “MacPorts 2.4.x” and provides a slightly different-looking command prompt, then you’re ready to rock!

Install Linux Apps with MacPorts

To install some Linux apps on macOS with MacPorts, we will first need to search for the relevant programs.

1. To see a gigantic list of all available packages, open Terminal, type port list and press Enter. Crack software site for mac.

3. Obviously, that’s a lot to look through, and it wouldn’t be very efficient to scan it all. We can use the port search command to find something specific. Let’s search for the networking utility nmap using the command below:

4. That returns a few matching packages. It looks like many of them are extensions for nmap, which we’re not interested in. The first one, just called “nmap,” is the one we’re looking for.

5. To get more information about that package we can use the info command:

6. That returns some specific information about nmap. That makes it pretty clear that this is the scanner we’re looking for. We can install with the command below:

Don’t forget that the sudo prefix which will require your admin password to fire. If you’re not logged in as an admin user, you’ll need to run the process again from an administer account.

7. Depending on the package you’re installing, there might be a large list of dependencies. These are software packages that your desired port relies on, and you’ll need to install them alongside your port of choice. Type “Y” and press “Enter” to accept the installation.

8. When the installation is complete, you can run the installed port as you would on Linux via Terminal.


You can check out an the awesome range of ports available by searching for tools you might like. You don’t need to restrict yourself to port names: any keywords will do. Poke around a little bit (port search image, for example) and you might find something unexpectedly useful.

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