Spyder Pro 4 Software Mac With Catalina

Jan 08, 2020  3. Shut down the Mac. Remove the GT 120 and install Metal-compatible GPU. Boot up the Mac. Download Catalina installer from App Store. Use Catalina installer to update BootROM to After BootROM update, quit the Catalina installer. Download @dosdude1's Catalina.

Spyder 4 Pro Review

Are Spyder5, SpyderPRINT, SpyderCHECKR and Spyder4 working with the new macOS Catalina 10.15? Filter blue light from mac app.


SpyderX Software works on macOS Catalina 10.15


Spyder5 Software-Update installers are already published and available in 64-bit versions that work on macOS Catalina 10.15.
Please use the following link to download:
Spyder5Express: http://goto.datacolor.com/download/s5x100b
Spyder5Pro: http://goto.datacolor.com/download/s5p100b
Spyder5Elite: http://goto.datacolor.com/download/s5el100b


SpyderPRINT Software-Update installer is already published and available as 64-bit version that work on macOS Catalina 10.15.
Please use the following link to download:


SpyderCHECKR has already been updated. The latest software for mac OS X is available here:

Spyder Pro 4 Download


Datacolor has announced in spring 2019, that by August 1st 2019, we are not developing Spyder4 software updates for upcoming operating systems any more. Spyder4 was released in 2012. We recommend upgrading to the new SpyderX: https://spyderx.datacolor.com/

Spyder5PRO 5.5 - 64-bit version for full compatibility with macOS 10.15 “Catalina” and beyond

Download Spyder5PRO 5.5 here: http://goto.datacolor.com/download/mac/s5p100b

  • What’s Fixed in 5.5
    • The Spyder5 applications and installer are now 64-bit, for full compatibility with macOS 10.15 “Catalina” and beyond. This also eliminates “not optimized for your Mac” alerts in OSX prior to 10.15.
    • Retina Display support, for improved user interface appearance (better, sharper, smoother)
    • Assorted internal improvements and bug fixes.
  • What’s Fixed in 5.3:
    • High Sierra-specific fixes: (OSX 10.13 or later; previous versions of OSX were unaffected):
      • Main application: No longer results in an incorrect calibration table being loaded upon quitting.
      • Main application (“+” only): No longer results in an incorrect calibration table being loaded after building an Automatic Room Light Switching profile set.
      • Display Analysis: No longer results in an incorrect calibration table being loaded between tests.
      • SpyderUtility (“+” only): Automatic Room Light Switching now works correctly.
      • SpyderUtility (“+” only): Profile Management: selecting and switching to a different display profile now works correctly and loads the proper calibration table.
    • Other fixes:
      • Main application: Fix for bug in which calibration would fail when running on a system which didn’t have a Library:ColorSync:Profiles folder in the user’s Home folder. This folder will now be created if it doesn’t exist.
      • Display Analysis: No longer crashes when cancelling from tests.
  • What’s Fixed in 5.2:
    • Main application: When naming and saving a profile immediately after calibration: if there are double-byte characters in the profile name, these are now stripped/removed from the name and you’ll be warned this has happened. If at least one character remains in the profile name, it will be saved with the modified name. If the entire name was double-byte characters, you’ll be prompted to start over and enter a new profile name. (Previously, the presence of double-byte characters in a profile name would cause problems, such as non-working profiles or crashes).
    • Main application: A few miscellaneous spelling/translation problems were fixed.
    • Main application: The Help button was removed from the Preferences dialog, since content wasn’t being loaded into the Help viewer window if it came up behind Preferences. If you want to read Help for Preferences, use the main Help menu item instead.
    • Display Analysis: When printing a report, the Page Setup dialog is now shown every time, so that you can select a paper size/shape and also the printing margins. (Previously, you would need to go into File:Page Setup for this to happen).
    • SpyderUtility+: Profile Management was showing incorrect profile creation dates, in certain situations, when a profile was selected in the list. Profile creation dates are now shown correctly.

Spyder Pro 4 Software Mac With Catalina Bay

  • Improvements in 5.1:
    • SpyderUtility: Now displays a notification when it’s first launched, which also tells you if the Spyder5 is connected or not. (OSX 10.8 or later only). Can be optionally disabled in SpyderUtility:Preferences:General.
    • SpyderUtility: Now displays “What’s New” information from Datacolor, using both notifications (OSX 10.8 or later) as well as a new “What’s New” menu command to manually display the information.
  • What’s Fixed in 5.1:
    • Main application: Fixed a problem that could cause the monitors database to be downloaded on each launch (with progress indication).
    • Main application: Fixed cosmetic problems with some of the graphics on assorted screens, where dark bar edges could appear on the right and/or bottom.
    • Main application: Calibration of “small gamut” displays, such as certain MacBook Air models, no longer produces progressively reduced gamut on each calibration.
    • SpyderUtility: In its Preferences dialog, the Cancel button now works correctly.
    • Display Analysis: On systems with “small gamut” displays, such as certain MacBook Air models, measurements no longer result in additionally reduced gamut.

Spyder 4 Software

  • New Features in 5.1 with the optional “+” Upgrade:
    • 1-Click Calibration: SpyderUtility menu commands provide a “quick” launch directly to the “place sensor” calibration screen in the main application. Once calibration is complete, the main application quits automatically. A fast, easy way to recalibrate a screen with minimal UI. (For a display to be enabled for One Click Calibration, it must be previously calibrated by the main application, as One Click Calibration picks up and uses the last calibration settings).
    • Room Light Switching: The main application creates a set of 3 profiles for low, medium, and high ambient room light. SpyderUtility then switches between these automatically as ambient light conditions in your room change. (You must keep the Spyder5 sensor connected for profile switching to occur)
    • Profile Management: Advanced functionality in SpyderUtility lets you identify and switch the display profile for your screen(s); as well as rename, duplicate, delete, and show on disk.

Minimum System Requirements
) USB port
) 24-bit video card
) Mac OS X 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, 10.12, 10.13
) Windows 7 32/64, Windows 8.0, 8.1 32/64, Windows 10 32/64
) Color monitor with at least 1280x768 resolution