Finder App On Mac Does What

The Finder is your gateway to all of the files, apps, and downloads on your Mac. Everything, from your Dropbox folders to your cool new desktop wallpaper, can be located in the Finder. You also have a lot of control over what the Finder will show you, and how different parts of the Finder will work.

You can easily find the Applications folder on your Mac computer using the Finder tool. You can also add your frequently used applications to your Dock for easier access. Here's how to find the. ‎Find My Friends allows you to easily locate friends and family using your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. Just install the app and share your location with your friends by choosing from your contacts, entering their email addresses or phone numbers, or using AirDrop. When you share your location, your. The new Find My app combines Find My iPhone and Find My Friends into a single, easy-to-use app on Mac, iPad, and iPhone. Find My can help you locate a missing Mac — even if it’s offline and sleeping — by sending out Bluetooth signals that can be detected by Apple devices in use nearby. Nov 05, 2011  Does anyone know where the Finder app is in Lion? I installed Lion about a week ago. After a week of smooth operation, I accidentally reset the defaults on my Logitech keyboard, so the button that previously pointed to the Finder app no longer does. I was trying to reset it to do so but now I am having difficulty finding where the Finder app resides.

Follow this guide to take control of the Finder and make it work for you.

How to open a Finder window

There are a few methods for opening windows in the Finder to let you get at your files.

  • Click on your desktop (don't select an app or program), then click on File in the Menu bar and choose New Finder Window.
  • On your Dock, click on the Finder icon (looks like a smiling face).
  • On your keyboard, hit 'Command-N' while you have the desktop selected.

How to customize the Finder toolbar

Be default, the Finder toolbar offers a number of different buttons you can use to do things like change the view of the Finder or perform an action, but you can customize the bar to your liking with several different tools.

  1. Open a new Finder window.
  2. Right-, control-, or two-finger-click on the toolbar.

  3. Click Customize Toolbar…
  4. Click and drag different tools onto the bar. Here are some that you can choose from:

    • Quick Look: The first tool I would pick. The Quick Look button is a great way to get a glance at a document or photo that you have in the finder.
    • Delete: Delete an item from the Finder after highlighting it.
    • Connect: Connect to an external server if you know the address. You can store a number of favorite servers and switch between them using this button.
    • Get Info: Highlight something in the Finder and press this button to get a detailed set of information on it.
  5. Click Done once you've added all of the tools to the toolbar that you want.

How to use Quick Look

After adding Quick Look to the Finder toolbar, use it to take a peek at a document, photo, or other files that you've got in the Finder.

  1. Open a new Finder window.
  2. Find the file you wish to use Quick Look with and click it once.

  3. Click the Quick Look button on your Finder's toolbar

    Alternatively, tap the Space bar on your keyboard.

How to use the Info button

After adding the Info button to the Finder's toolbar, you can use it to get information on a given item in the Finder.

  1. Open a new Finder window.
  2. Click on the item for which you want information.

  3. Click the Info button.

How to show or hide hard disks, external disks, CDs, and connected servers on your desktop

  1. In Finder, click on Finder in the Menu bar and select Preferences.
  2. Click General.

  3. Check the boxes for the types of items you want to display on your desktop.

How to set a new Finder window's default section

  1. In Finder, click on Finder in the Menu bar and select Preferences.
  2. Click General.

  3. In the drop-down menu, click on the folder or storage device new Finder windows should show when it opens.

  4. If your desired section isn't immediately available, choose Other.

How to use Tags

  1. In Finder, click on Finder in the Menu bar and select Preferences.
  2. Click Tags.

  3. Check the boxes next to your tags to select which tags are displayed in your Finder's sidebar.

  4. Drag a favorite tag to the bottom of the Tags tab to make it available for quick access in Finder menus. P2p dvr software for mac.

How to create custom Tags

  1. In Finder, click on Finder in the Menu bar and select Preferences.
  2. Click Tags.

  3. Below the list of tags, click the + button.

  4. Enter a name for your tag.

  5. Click the circle next to your tag to assign it a color.

  1. In Finder, click on Finder in the Menu bar and select Preferences.
  2. Click Sidebar.

  3. Check the boxes next to the items you want to see in your Finder's sidebar.

How to use Stacks in Finder

  1. Click View in the Menu bar of your Mac when on your desktop with no apps in the foreground.
  2. Click Use Stacks.

  3. Control-click, right-click, or two-finger-click on your desktop.
  4. Hover your mouse cursor over Group Stacks By. Choose between Kind, Date Last Opened, Date Added, Date Modified, Date Created, and Tags.

How to use Gallery View in Finder

  1. Click on the Finder icon in your Dock to open a new Finder window.
  2. Navigate to the folder or section that you want to view.

  3. Click the Gallery View button on the right-most side of the view selection buttons on the Finder window.

How to view file metadata in Finder

  1. Click on the Finder icon in your Dock to open a new Finder window.
  2. Choose the view you want to use.

  3. Click on the file whose information you want to use.
  4. Click View in the Menu bar.

  5. Click Show Preview.
  6. Click Show More in the Preview pane to view additional metadata.

How to use Quick Actions in Finder

  1. Click on the Finder icon in your Dock to open a new Finder window.
  2. Choose the view you want to use.

  3. Click on the file or files on which you wish to perform a quick action.
  4. Click View in the Menu bar if the Preview pane isn't already visible.

  5. Click Show Preview.
  6. Choose one of the actions available at the bottom of the Preview pane to perform it on the selected file or files.

  7. Click More… to find any other actions that you might be able to take.

How to use Quick Look tools in Finder

Quick Look's updates in macOS Mojave make it more powerful than ever. Here's how you use it.

  1. Click on the Finder icon in your Dock to open a new Finder window.
  2. Choose the view you want to use.

  3. Click on the file you want to use with Quick Look.
  4. Tap the space bar on your keyboard to bring up Quick Look.
  5. Click the action button to take an action on the file. What actions you can take and what the button looks like will depend on the file type.

    • Documents will have a Markup button. This allows you to draw, write, and highlight on images and documents, add text boxes to them, and even sign documents with a pre-saved signature. Images can be cropped and rotated as well.
    • In addition to Markup, images may also have a Rotate button. Press this to rotate your image to the left.
    • Audio and video files will have a Trim button. Press this, then grab the sliders on either end of the Quick Look preview to trim the length of an audio clip or video.
  6. Tap the space bar again when you're done with Quick Look.

Any questions?

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Apple announces new initiative with HBCUs to boost coding and creativity

Finder App On Mac

Apple has today announced expanded partnerships with Historically Black Colleges and Universities to boost coding and creativity opportunities.

When you first start Mac, you find yourself in a special program that Apple calls the Finder. The Finder is somewhat like Windows Explorer, but it’s an even more basic tool. You’ll find that you use the Finder all the time.

You can get to the Finder by clicking anywhere on the desktop or selecting its icon from the Dock. Pressing F11 makes all other windows go away, and you see only the desktop and the Finder. Press F11 again to bring everything back.

Finder App On Mac Does What

Finder App On Mac Does What App

You use Finder windows to move around among folders. You see a window when you double-click a folder or choose File→New Finder Window from the Finder. The name of the folder is at the top of the Finder window. You can click and drag the icon to its left to wherever you want, just as you would the folder’s icon in its parent folder.

Finder windows have a sidebar on the left with a list of available storage volumes at the top and selected folders at the bottom. You can customize these sidebars by dragging folders into or out of the list area. Each Finder window has a toolbar at the top. In addition to viewing files by icon, you can select from three other ways:

  • By list: The list view includes details such as when the file was last modified, its size, and its kind (Word document, picture, and so on). Folders have small triangles next to them. If you click one, the folder expands. You can expand and manipulate more than one folder this way

  • By column: The Column view shows you the contents of the current folder and the folder that contains it, along with, optionally, a preview of any file you select. Widen columns by dragging the II icon below the scroll bars. You can customize the contents of the file view by choosing Finder→View→Customize View Options.

  • By cover-flow: The new cover-flow view is based on the way iTunes and iPods display album covers to help you find the music you want, but in the Finder, cover-flow shows a preview of file contents. Click the Quick Look “eye” icon at the top of the window (or press the spacebar), and you see a readable, scrollable preview of the center file. Click the double-arrow icon at the bottom of that view, and you see a full screen version.

    Quick Look supports text files, PDFs, movies, Keynote presentations, and Microsoft Word and Excel files so that you don’t have to open files in an application just to see what’s inside.

The Finder Download

The Finder window toolbar also has back and forward arrow buttons that are initially grayed out. As you open and close folders, these buttons let you return to a previous view, in much the same way as you would with buttons in an Internet Web browser. The Finder window toolbar also has an action menu with a gear icon that lets you choose options that are also available on the Finder menu. You can even customize the toolbar from the Finder’s View menu and add additional icons. The Path icon is particularly useful because it shows all the folders that include the current one and lets you pop back to any one of them.

Finder App In Mac

The text at the bottom of the Finder window tells you how much space is left on the disk drive or storage volume on which the folder is located. This is the easiest way to find out how much disk space you have available.