Pomodoro Technique App Mac Free

Pomodoro app mac

Being productive at work is a tough task. Even if you manage to block digital distractions, you cannot work all the day. That’s why it’s recommended to take regular breaks during your work. But, you’ve to make sure that you don’t get carried away by the break time. Pomodoro Technique was developed to address all these challenges at once. It does so by introducing a productivity-friendly schedule.

May 31, 2019 Pomodoro app is based on the Pomodoro technique. If you are struggling to complete your tasks on time then we have a few apps which will help you to solve your work or task on time. We have made on the list which contains all Best Pomodoro Timer apps. Pomodoro method is developed by Francesco Cirillo. Stay focused with the simple pomodoro timer. Available in light and dark mode. View timer progress at all times with the mini timer. Available for download on Mac OS X 10.8+. Session data saved to the web app for reporting. See what you have accomplished in a day with timesheets. Visualise your productivity with the most productive day graph. Aug 01, 2017  ‎Focus To-Do combines Pomodoro Timer with Task Management, it is a science-based app that will motivate you to stay focused and get things done. It brings Pomodoro Technique and To Do List into one place, you can capture and organize tasks. Jun 11, 2020 The app features a Pomodoro timer, a mini timer, customizable session lengths, report exports, and manual time entry. The company began in 2010, and the app was designed shortly after to help keep employees on track. Today the company focuses on their productivity app, which offers a free starter plan with access to 20 Pomodoro sessions per month. Mar 03, 2020  The Pomodoro Technique is useful if you get distracted while working on a project or want to understand how long a task takes. It’s ideal for many types of.

Read: 8 Best Pomodoro Timer For Windows to Boost Your Productivity

The Pomodoro Timer Technique for Work

You set up a working schedule of 25 minutes. After that, you have to take a 5-minute break. Once you’ve completed four Pomodoro sessions (2 hours in total), you can take a bigger break (I give myself 20 min). It’s scientifically proven, and I find it really effective to stay productive. That having said, you cannot rely on your Smartphone clock or the Mac time icon for checking the time. That’s why we need Pomodoro Timer apps.

Fortunately, there are a few good Pomodoro apps for Mac. Depending on functionalities, UI and the whole impact on workflow, you can find the best one. In this article, we have listed some of the most popular and effective Pomodoro timer apps for Mac. As said earlier, we have at least one tool for everyone out there. It should help you to find the best one.

#1 Be Focused Pro — Best Overall Pomodoro App

Be Focused Pro is one of the most popular Pomodoro apps for Mac out there. The best part is that it has an integrated task manager as well. Once you open the app, list all the tasks you have to do, and then start individual tasks as per the Pomodoro technique. If you don’t want those features, you can use Be Focused Pro as an easy-to-use 25-minute timer as well.

The interface is minimal and does not distract you. It does not have a fully-fledged window, but you can manage everything from the menu-bar icon. When it comes to customization aspect, Be Focused Pro does not disappoint you. You can decide the length of the intervals and how often they do appear during the work hours. By default, everything is set according to the Pomodoro technique.

Another impressive point in Be Focused Pro is the ability to track your progress. You can track how productive you were by looking at the Reports. What’s more, you can even export these reports to CSV. Since the app is available for iOS, you can benefit from Sync too. We would recommend it for professionals who value their time very much.


  • Simple UI
  • Multi-device Sync and Customization
  • Integrated Task Manager


  • None

Who Is It For

Be Focused Pro is the best solution when you’re hell-bent on productivity. No matter what you’re doing, this app lets you manage different tasks with proper intervals. We also liked the fact that it offers an integrated task manager.

Check Out Be Focused Pro ($4.99 on App Store)

#2 Focus Booster — Best Pomodoro App with Timesheets

If you are looking for a multi-platform Pomodoro app with awesome features, Focus Booster is a great option indeed. Apart from Pomodoro-based timers and breaks, you will have access to Timesheets as well. That is, every single minute you work on a project will be counted. While you can use the service on the web or desktop, the Mac app is good enough.

Coming to the UI, Focus Booster has kept everything minimal. Unlike the previous app, Focus Booster has an actual window-based interface instead of the menu-bar icon. You will see the running timer on the screen, but there is also a Mini Timer. In the Customization department, you can change the basic things like Break Time, Timer duration and notification preferences. Focus Booster has a Dark Theme as well order to use Focus Booster, you should have an account for the service. Only after signing in can you start working on projects. It means everything you do will be synced with other apps, for iOS, Android and even Windows. Not all features are available in its free version though, to get features like Data Export and Unlimited Sessions of Pomodoro timer, you have to pay $4.99 per month.


  • A Simple Fully-Fledged Interface
  • Integrated support for Task and Timesheet management
  • Seamless Sync options


  • It doesn’t have a menu-bar icon

Who Is It For

If you need more control over timesheet and associated data, Focus Booster would be the best option. The app offers the standard Pomodoro timer experience, but that’s it. We’d recommend it for users who would not mind spending a bit more for time-tracking.

Check Out Focus Booster (Free, Premium Plans Start at $2.99)

#3 PomoDoneApp — Dedicated Pomodoro App for Mac

PomoDoneApp is one of the most popular timer apps for Mac and other platforms. Using the app is like a piece of cake. Once installed, you can launch the app and start working. Because it has an integrated task manager inside, you can start working on a single project itself.

PomoDoneApp does not have a minimal UI, but, that’s because the app has a few features in the Task Management department. However, at a glance, you can know about to-do tasks and start them. Instead of fixing on the 25-minute span, PomoDoneApp lets you choose a variety of timers — 5, 15 or 25.

This is what we love about PomoDoneApp. If you want, you can turn it into the complete space for managing your work and projects. On the other hand, if you are looking for something simple, you can use the app for Pomodoro timer setting. Coming to the Timer part, however, we liked the seamless nature. PomoDoneApp will work smoothly until you complete the four Pomodoro sessions.


  • Integrated Task Manager
  • Integration with online services
  • Time-tracking and scheduling


  • UI Could Have Been Simple

Who Is It For

PomoDoneApp is the best Pomodoro app when you need complete focus. It has been made with the sole intention of Pomodoro management. While the free version gives you a clean app, you have to pay a monthly subscription for team-based online features.

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Check Out PomoDoneApp (Free, Premium Plans start at $2.33 per month)

#4 Tadam — Minimal Pomodoro App for Mac

At the core, Tadam is a minimalistic timer app for Mac, which promises to boost your productivity. What I love about Tadam is that it focuses on the right areas. It has an awesome way to let you know that it’s time for a break.

Tadam does not have much of a User Interface. It stays in the menu bar. Just click on the icon and you can enter the length of the timer. Once the timer is exhausted, you can get the break for 5 minutes. It, however, has a fully-fledged window for notifying the break. Even with this simplicity, Tadam has support for keyboard shortcuts.

You can master these keyboard shortcuts if you need quick timer management. There are also some superb features we loved: for instance, Tadam notifies you when you are almost near the end. You can actually add a few more minutes if interested — it’s not the Pomodoro way, though. It’s one of those Pomodoro apps that make you take a break.


  • Super-easy Interface
  • Impressive notifications and control


  • None

Who Is It For

Tadam is for everyone. It does not matter whether you’re a geek or a normal user. There is always a reason to use this app, even if not for Pomodoro. The best part about Tadam is that the app does not have anything to get you distracted. So, you keep working and taking breaks. It’s my personal favorite.

Check Out Tadam ($3.99 on App Store)

Pomodoro Desktop App

#5 Activity Timer — General Timer App with Pomodoro

Activity Timer is not a Pomodoro-specific timer for Mac, it’s more of general timer apps. However, it does comes with a preset for Pomodoro Technique. That is if you are trying to boost your productivity like never before, you can simply launch the Pomodoro timer. The timer will repeat 4 times, making it a full Pomodoro session.

Coming to the UI, Activity Timer does not have a fully-fledged window. Anything and everything needs to be managed from the menu-bar window. You can list out the popular presets, start or stop the timers and even check out the Preferences section. Although Activity Timer has an iOS counterpart, it does not offer options for content sync.

But, if you ask us why we love Activity Timer, we’d say it’s because of the workflow. It’s really awesome to use Activity Timer despite the huge number of features. The notifications work fine and you can even set up custom messages to display when it’s time for a break. And we love the fact that you can do all these from the menu-bar.


  • Easy to Use
  • Different Timers and Customization
  • Multi-device Sync


  • None

Who Is It For

Activity Timer is the best option if you are looking for a general timer with proper customization. Although the app offers you complete control over the Pomodoro technique and customization, it does not consume many resources.

Check Out Activity Timer (Free)

#6 Marinara – Best Browser based Pomodoro for Mac

Unlike the others, Marinara is a chrome app (don’t worry, it runs offline). The way it works is pretty simple, simply install the app, click on the Pomodoro icon next to the browser’s address bar, the default timer is set to 25 mins but could be changed from Settings. Set your short break and long break length. Choose sound or screen notifications. And start doing your work.

It comes with a pack of sound notifications, but what I really like about the app is the history, which you can import and export.


  • Works on all platform that has Chrome installed
  • Different Timers and Customization
  • Sound or screen notifications
  • History


  • Lacks someadvancede options that Desktop app has

Who Is It For

If you constantly juggle between a Mac and PC, then it’s time for you to look for a browser-based Pomodoro timer. And Marinara fit the profile easily.

Pomodoro Do’s and Don’ts

Pomodoro timers work best for work which is independent of other people. For example, I’ll use a Pomodoro timer for writing my articles, but not during a sales call or brainstorming with my team; as you can’t control or quantify its results. Also, avoid 10 Pomodoro or more in a day. If you do, the work quality will suffer. There is only so much productivity you can achieve in a day. So don’t push it.

Start with 4 Pomodoro timers a day and avoid all kind of communication and distraction. Also, take breaks. It tempting to go with the flow, but your mind need rest to stay productive. So, yes, take frequent breaks.

Which is the best Pomodoro App for Mac?

So, we have listed the best Pomodoro mac apps for almost every need. Sure, we’ve done some comparison as well, so that you choose the best tool. Tadam, despite being our favorite, may not have many functions that people are looking for. For instance, if you need an integrated task manager, PomoDoneApp for Mac is the best option. On the other hand, we would recommend Focus Booster if you need enterprise-level options and timesheet support. The point is, all these tools would work according to the Pomodoro technique.

Also Read: 7 Best Pomodoro Apps for Android

Whether you are preparing for your final semesters or finishing your pending work, a Pomodoro timer will help you boost your productivity and get things done in less time. In our previous article, we talked about some of the best Pomodoro timer apps for Android and in this one, we’ll choose our best pick for Windows. So, let’s begin.

For the unknown, Pomodoro is a technique developed by Frencesco Cirillo for improving your productivity. A work session is broken down to 25-minute segments and each segment is followed by a short 5-minute break. Each 25-minute work block is called a “Pomodoro“. After four Pomodoros (or four 25-mins sessions) you should take a longer break (say 15-20 minutes) and repeat the same cycle again.

While you can always get one of those, Tomato Shaped Kitchen Timer from Amazon, we recommend using Pomodoro timer apps on your devices. They not only let you keep a log of all your work but you can also take it anywhere you go. Not to mention tons of other features that come with it.

Read: Best Reminder Apps for Windows

Pomodoro Timer For Windows

1. Focus 10

Best for: people who don’t want anything but a simple timer app

Focus 10 is a simple Windows app that lets you set Pomodoro timer on your desktop. The minimalistic design focuses mainly on offering a nonintrusive experience while you focus on your work.

In the default setting, you get 4 Pomodoros of 25 minutes each followed by 5 minutes break and a longer break at the end of all the 4 sessions. After every Pomodoro, an alarm sounds to notify you of your completed Pomodoro and the break starts immediately after. You can pause the timer in between or jump straight to the next Pomodoro if you want. The settings page offers customization of Pomodoro and breaks length, you can even change the alarm sound in the settings. Focus 10 is a free app and offers just that, however, if you want more features, read on.


Best for: People looking for simple and Open Source Pomodoro timer app

Yet Another Pomodoro App which is a very brilliant implementation of the Pomodoro Technique. In many ways, it’s quite similar to Focus 10; simple. A timer that counts down 25 minutes and keeps track of the number of Pomodoro sessions sits on the top right corner. It draws over other apps so that it is always on the top of the screen.

I really enjoy YAPA because its UI is non-existent and you can drag it around. You can choose the light or the dark theme and change the opacity to make it barely visible. YAPA is free and open-source.

3. Focus Booster

Best for: People looking for cross-platform Pomodoro timer which records your sessions and tracks your productivity.

Focus Booster app works only when you make an account, but conveniently enough you can create a 30-day trial account that offers 20 Pomodoro sessions. All your activities are stored on the account and you can get an insight into your productivity by logging on the website. Unlike the previous one, Focus booster also offers mobile apps for Android, iOS, and Mac.

The app also has a dark theme and you can minimize it while keeping just the timer on the screen. Your timesheet is updated every time you finish a Pomodoro and the report is generated once it gets significant data. Focus Booster is best for people who want to track their activities and generate insightful data. Focus Booster is a paid app with a 30-days free trial.

Download Focus Booster (Windows iOS Android Mac)

4. Focus Journal

Best for: People looking to keep track of distractions and productive activities.

A Pomodoro app that implements the technique with a few more features and increases the potency of the app. Focus Journal offers more than just one profile. You can create separate timers for different tasks.

You get two buttons on the bottom; Minimize and auto distraction mode. Minimize button draws a tiny timer just like YAPA on the corner of the screen and auto distraction mode detects your distractions while running the timer. You can run this app either for productivity or calculate distractions. In productivity mode it works like a normal Pomodoro app, however, in the distracted mode, you count the times you got distracted. It keeps a log of successful Pomodoro and distractions.

Pro Tip: Use a White Noise App to minimize your distractions during a Pomodoro Session

Focus Journal is free and gets the job done but doesn’t offer To-Do list integration and we’ll check it in the next app.

Hudl Technique App

5. Pomotodo

Best for: people looking for a cross-platform Pomodoro timer with to-do list integration

Pomotodo integrates a to-do list in this app and syncs cross-platform. It is a time management app designed for the creators. It is based on the Pomodoro Technique and GTD theory.

The app syncs your activities and tasks on to other devices linked with the account. You can set Pomodoro timers and to-do lists and add items to the list. You can prioritize the list items by pinning and adding hashtags. The pro version offers a few extra features in the todo list like create sub-to-dos, set reminders, repeat, and add notes.

Pomodoro Time Management Technique

The statistics generated by the app gives you an insight into your daily productivity, top tags show which tasks were most achieved and what is the best working time for you. This is a great app for achieving goals with an integrated to-do list. You can sync your data over the devices by signing in. The basic version is free but you can upgrade to the pro version($3.9/mo) for full features.

Download Pomotodo (Windows Mac Android iOS Web)

6. Focus To Do

Best for: People looking for great for task management and report generation

Focus To-Do lets you make tasks and execute using the Pomodoro technique. You can set tasks for the day and the time required for its completion. This app keeps track of the time elapsed and tasks completed. The detailed report can be generated with the data gathered over time.

You can sign in and sync your tasks to different devices and share your report. Multiple tasks can be created and you can add them to the inbox within a set time. If you feel like switching from one task to another, you can do that by simply pausing the current task and focus on the second.

The report is generated based on the daily task that you perform and the frequency of distractions. You can check your detailed report by clicking the report icon on the top right of the window and it would display daily, weekly, and monthly charts of Pomodoro events and completed tasks.

The app is free for windows and offers a few in-app purchases.

This app is great for task management and report generation but we can’t block apps and websites. We’ll find that feature in the next.

7. FocusMe

Best for: People looking for Pomodoro App that can block distraction as well

Free Pomodoro App

FocusMe is more than just a timer app and not only it sets the timer to make you more productive but also keeps you from being distracted. We tested app blockers for Android and works similar to those apps.

This app offers plans with which you can create plans with this app or choose from existing plans. Some of the plans listed on the app are social media block, block internet, Pomodoro Focus, and Time Limit News. These are not a gimmick but this app actually stops you from getting distracted by automatically minimizing the apps and closing tabs while running.

FocusMe encourages you to take breaks and has an option of forced breaks. It essentially takes over the screen rendering your computer unusable for the time period, forcing you to spend time away from your computer, I can see it would be helpful in creating a mental break. You can check your website stats and App stats and introspect about your usage habits.

FocusMe is a paid app with a subscription of $2.5/mo and has a free trial.

8. Pomodone

Best for: People looking for Pomodoro timer with integration to task management tool which links popular tools like Todoist, Wunderlist, Asana, Trello, and Evernote.

PomoDone is the most advanced Pomodoro timer for windows in the list. In fact, it’s much more than a Pomodoro timer, for example, it lets you sync your tasks with most of the task management tools and also encourages you to complete the tasks. I work with Trello to keep track of my daily tasks and using this app to get the work done becomes so easier. I can just pick my card and set a timer and get to work. As soon as I’m done with the task I can update it in the Pomodone app and it directly updates Done to Trello.

All your active tasks are shown in the window. You can change the settings of how a timer reacts and does when invoked and finished. You can check the time log and see how much time you’ve spent and on which task. This insightful data is available instantly in the app and you can probably check it through the web app.

It is a subscription-based plan and you get many advanced features, though you can try the free version which has a few limitations like 1-month access and link with two apps(out of 5).Download Pomodone(Windows Mac Android iOS Web)

Closing Words

Yapa is my favorite Pomodoro Timer Windows app because it has the most intuitive timer. While Focus Journal and Focus Booster give you insights on your activities, FocusME blocks you from using any apps while forcing you to be productive. These were some of our choices, try a few for yourselves and let us know the results.

Overall, Pomodoro timers are best for the type of work that is independent of other people. For example, I’ll use a Pomodoro timer, while I’m writing this article, but not while a sales call or brainstorming with my team. Also, don’t do more than 10 Pomodoro in a day. The less you do it, the more effective they become.