Speech Recognition Free App Mac Os X

Speech recognition is a powerful tool that’s built into OS X Mavericks. It’s both convenient when you have your hands full and freeing when you want your mind open.

To start using Speech Recognition with your Mac, launch System Preferences and follow these steps:

  1. Open the Accessibility System Preferences pane.

  2. Click Speakable Items in list on the left, and then click the Settings tab.

  3. Click the On button for Speakable Items.

  4. Choose the microphone you want to use from the Microphone pop-up menu.

    If you have a laptop or an iMac, you may get better results from just about any third-party microphone. The one that’s built into your Mac works, but it isn’t the greatest microphone on the planet.

  5. To test that microphone, click the Calibrate button and follow the onscreen instructions.

  6. (Optional) To change the listening key from Esc to a different key, click the Change Key button and press the key you want to use as your listening key.

    There are two listening methods you can use with Speech Recognition:

    1. Press a listening key — Esc by default — when you want to talk to your Mac.

    2. Have your Mac listen continuously for you to say a special keyword — “Computer” by default — when you want to talk to your Mac.

  7. (Optional) To change the listening method from Listening Key to Listening Continuously with Keyword, click the appropriate radio button.

    If you select Listening Continuously, you have two more options:

    1. To change the way your Mac listens for the keyword — Optional before commands, Required before each command, or Required 15 or 30 seconds after last command — make your selection from the Keyword Is pop-up menu.

    2. To change the keyword from Computer to something else, type the word you want to use in the Keyword field.

  8. (Optional) You can have your commands acknowledged by your Mac, if you like, by selecting the Speak Command Acknowledgement check box.

  9. (Optional) You can choose a sound other than Whit from the Play This Sound pop-up menu.

  10. Click the Commands subtab on the Accessibility System Preference pane’s Speech Recognition tab, and then select the check box for each command set you want to enable.

    Enable them all unless you don’t use Apple’s Contacts, in which case you don’t need to enable it.

  11. Click the Helpful Tips button and read the tips.

  12. Click each command-set name, and if the Configure button is enabled, click it and follow the onscreen instructions.

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  13. (Optional) If you create an AppleScript you want to be speakable, click the Open Speakable Items Folder and place the script in the folder.

    The Speakable Items folder is opened for you.

    When you speak its name, the script is executed.

    If the Accessibility System Preference pane isn’t open, and you want to open the Speakable Items folder, you can find it in your Home/Library/Speech folder.

  14. Close the Accessibility System Preference pane when you’re done.

I have a program that receives an audio (mono) stream of bits from TCP/IP. I am wondering whether the speech (speech-recognition) API in Mac OS X would be able to do a speech-to-text transform for me. (I don't mind saving the audio into.wav first and read it as oppose to do the transform on the fly). Quickstart: Recognize speech in Swift on macOS using the Speech SDK.; 4 minutes to read; In this article. Quickstarts are also available for speech synthesis. In this article, you learn how to create a macOS app in Swift using the Cognitive Services Speech SDK to transcribe speech recorded from a microphone to text.


Quickstarts are also available for speech synthesis.

In this article, you learn how to create a macOS app in Swift using the Cognitive Services Speech SDK to transcribe speech recorded from a microphone to text.


Before you get started, here's a list of prerequisites:

  • A subscription key for the Speech service.
  • A macOS machine with Xcode 9.4.1 or later and CocoaPods installed.

Get the Speech SDK for macOS


By downloading any of the Azure Cognitive Services Speech SDKs, you acknowledge its license. For more information, see:

Note that this tutorial will not work with version of the SDK earlier than 1.6.0.

The Cognitive Services Speech SDK for macOS is distributed as a framework bundle.It can be used in Xcode projects as a CocoaPod, or downloaded from https://aka.ms/csspeech/macosbinary and linked manually. This guide uses a CocoaPod.

Create an Xcode project

Start Xcode, and start a new project by clicking File > New > Project.In the template selection dialog, choose the 'Cocoa App' template.

Speech Recognition Free App Mac Os X

In the dialogs that follow, make the following selections:

  1. Project Options Dialog
    1. Enter a name for the quickstart app, for example helloworld.
    2. Enter an appropriate organization name and an organization identifier, if you already have an Apple developer account. For testing purposes, you can just pick any name like testorg. To sign the app, you need a proper provisioning profile. Refer to the Apple developer site for details.
    3. Make sure Swift is chosen as the language for the project.
    4. Disable the checkboxes to use storyboards and to create a document-based application. The simple UI for the sample app will be created programmatically.
    5. Disable all checkboxes for tests and core data.
  2. Select project directory
    1. Choose a directory to put the project in. This creates a helloworld directory in the chosen directory that contains all the files for the Xcode project.
    2. Disable the creation of a Git repo for this example project.
  3. Set the entitlements for network and microphone access. Click the app name in the first line in the overview on the left to get to the app configuration, and then choose the 'Capabilities' tab.
    1. Enable the 'App sandbox' setting for the app.
    2. Enable the checkboxes for 'Outgoing Connections' and 'Microphone' access.
  4. The app also needs to declare use of the microphone in the Info.plist file. Click on the file in the overview, and add the 'Privacy - Microphone Usage Description' key, with a value like 'Microphone is needed for speech recognition'.
  5. Close the Xcode project. You will use a different instance of it later after setting up the CocoaPods.

Add the sample code

  1. Place a new header file with the name MicrosoftCognitiveServicesSpeech-Bridging-Header.h into the helloworld directory inside the helloworld project, and paste the following code into it:

  2. Add the relative path helloworld/MicrosoftCognitiveServicesSpeech-Bridging-Header.h to the bridging header to the Swift project settings for the helloworld target in the Objective-C Bridging Header field

  3. Replace the contents of the autogenerated AppDelegate.swift file by:

  4. In AppDelegate.swift, replace the string YourSubscriptionKey with your subscription key.

  5. Replace the string YourServiceRegion with the region associated with your subscription (for example, westus for the free trial subscription).

Speech Recognition Free App Mac Os X 10 11

Install the SDK as a CocoaPod

Free Mac Os X Download

  1. Install the CocoaPod dependency manager as described in its installation instructions.

  2. Navigate to the directory of your sample app (helloworld). Place a text file with the name Podfile and the following content in that directory:

  3. Navigate to the helloworld directory in a terminal and run the command pod install. This will generate a helloworld.xcworkspace Xcode workspace containing both the sample app and the Speech SDK as a dependency. This workspace will be used in the following.

Build and run the sample

  1. Open the helloworld.xcworkspace workspace in Xcode.
  2. Make the debug output visible (View > Debug Area > Activate Console).
  3. Build and run the example code by selecting Product > Run from the menu or clicking the Play button.
  4. After you click the 'Recognize' button in the app and say a few words, you should see the text you have spoken in the lower part of the app window.

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